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Background music in the foreground

Wendy Brouwer

Bijgewerkt op: 3 jul 2024

For years, Gallery Play Media has been working hard to raise awareness of the power of music in public places. This Amsterdam-based company started in 2016 by creating its own platform. With technology that remotely measures and thus makes visible the emotion that music evokes at the broadcast locations. Gallery Play has tirelessly continued to invest in this because they believe it is the only way to broadcast tailor-made music designs.

Communication with partners is of crucial importance, and this plays a major role in daily operations.

In addition to the music content and technology, sound quality is important. That is why Gallery Play Media now has a large TD assistance office that helps our partners with a pleasant and high-quality sound.

Background music in your restaurant or in your shop. It seems easy. But from experience, we know that most people have a lot of trouble 'hitting the right note'. We are happy to help you!

Background music proves and remains a separate skill. Gallery Play Media can now call itself a leading player in the Dutch background music market that puts the interests of the music partners first.

Check out our brand new website:

We look forward to meeting you.

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